Creating Water Bodies in Mozambique – Football For Peace

Creating Water Bodies in Mozambique

The world is facing a crisis in which new methods and action is needed to empower communities to sustain local ways of life and to provide a solution to migration of people in search of food and water. Our Rehydrating The Earth Campaign is an innovative water and climate campaign in support of helping create sustainable local livelihoods for communities and people worldwide. Through innovative approaches to water restoration methods and capacity building using football as the catalyst – we can enable people to live and play – both essential for a balanced life.

In October 2022 Football for Peace travelled to Musomma Village in the Niassa region of Mozambique, one of the poorest areas in the world, suffering from severe water insecurity, food insecurity and human-wildlife. FfP with the support of partners The Aujan Group, Luwire Wildlife Conservancy, Elemental Ecosystems, Dan Cates Foundation and MBU Capital delivered a Phase 1 Research and implementation programme that involved a number of activities including:

  • 3 School visits to Musomma, Mpamanda and Manhur delivering FfP Practical workshops engaging a total of 318 students.
  • Organised a Community Meal that fed full meals to approximately 300 children, men and women.
  • Hosted 2 FfP Football Tournaments and 11 a side Football Match engaging a total of 125 students and 22 vulnerable young adults.

Our main focus of the visit, apart from engaging with youth and the community, was to conduct a series of water and earthworks in Musomma village as part of Phase 1 Research and Implementation to identify test digs and conduct necessary tests for future planning of water bodies and water restoration solutions.

Football for Peace will continue to build a long term sustainable plan working with current and future partners like the Mozambican Football Federation to deliver an effective and holistic football and water development programme to empower and inspire youth. We want to encourage dynamic growth in communities with shared prosperity by tackling water insecurity by way of engagement through football.

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